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Pebbles & Stone Mosaic Floor Tile

Reconnect with the fond childhood memories of standing along a river bank and skipping smooth stones across the water. Floor tiles composed of pebbles and stones are a natural fit for anyone who loves the rustic beauty and tranquility of nature. Tile flooring in both traditional and transitional architecture is easily elevated by the blend of subtle bumpiness and smooth surface created by these natural wonders. Unique in style and look, stone tiles can energize an entryway or shape up a shower and bath with equal appeal.

Reconnect with the fond childhood memories of standing along a river bank and skipping smooth stones across the water. Floor tiles composed of pebbles and stones are a natural fit for anyone who loves the rustic beauty and tranquility of nature. Tile flooring in both traditional and transitional architecture is easily elevated by the blend of subtle bumpiness and smooth surface created by these natural wonders. Unique in style and look, stone tiles can energize an entryway or shape up a shower and bath with equal appeal.